Fröhlich & Wolter  - FROWO Nr. 65


One could say 'NEW OLD STOCK' as this Frowo Nr. 65 was built in 1937 and has never been burned or lit.  It comes with the original Frowo Logo (Hound) sticker and Frowo Hang tag.  This model of Frowo 65 takes a 7''' wick which is approximately 5/8" wide.


This was ascetically not the most beautiful lantern I own.  The shiny area is 'tinned' and is still intact.  The dull and dark area is where the tinning has deteriorated. That is the natural aging of this lantern after 80 years of being in storage.  But, after much deliberation and thought I decided to give it a face lift.  It now displays beautifully.


The globe is etched with the words 'FROWO' and 'HARTGLAS' (made in Germany).  'Hartglass' is

very similar to Jenaer Glas and is heat resistant.  Hartglas is older than Jenaer Glas, but not quite the same high quality.  'Hartglas' means hard(ened) glass and it not a brand name.*


*Source:  Henk Kloosterman :)



It is unknown at this time who mfg. 'Harglas'.

Circa: 1937

Comments: 2
  • #2

    Mel (Wednesday, 14 June 2017 16:13)

    Hi Chris,

    Can you use the other contact form and then send me a photo of what you have? There can be slight variations of the same model depending on when it was made. I'd love to see yours. The contact form is down near the bottom of the navigation page.

  • #1

    Chris (Wednesday, 14 June 2017 15:32)

    I have frowo nr 65 that I have just recommissioned but it looks quite different to yours. The one I have appears to be higher with a much larger fuel tank did they have different models of the 65.